The article presents a tool for analysing transcribed and annotated video recordings. The tool relies on a network representation of the data, where the nodes derive from categories of activities. Following a summary of the observed learning situation, it is suggested how anthropological theory of the didactical (ATD) and communities of practice (CoP) can be incorporated in the network representation in order to investigate student discussion networks in physics classrooms.

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Titel: ATD and CoP in a framework for investigating social networks in physics classrooms
Forfatter: Jesper Bruun
Institution: Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, Københavns Universitet
Udgivelse: The Anthropological Theory of the Didactical, s.31-49, Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, Københavns Universitet
Genre: Paper til fremlæggelse
Omfang: 12
Årstal: 2011