This chapter explores a student’s writer development in upper-secondary education. The analysis is based on a case study that has followed Amalie as a student, among other students, for four years in a longitudinal ethnographic study from grade 9 in secondary education to grade 10-12 in upper secondary education. The case study is part of the Writing to Learn, Learning to Write (WLLW) research project (see and Christensen et al. 2014).

WLLR claims that during the latest decades the technological development in communication has altered the nature and practice of writing and brought with it a dramatic increase in the spread and significance of writing. However, there is a call to know what this means for the individual in the context of a learner biography and how the challenge is met at subject and educational levels.

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Titel: I write therefore I am - A student’s dramatic development of writer identity in Danish upper-secondary education
Forfatter: Nikolaj Frydensbjerg Elf
Institution: Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, Syddansk Universitet
Genre: resumé
Omfang: 2
Årstal: 2016