Making Sense of Evidence in Teaching

Ane Qvortup & Thomas R.S. Albrechtsen

The aim of this article is to call for research that focuses specifically on how
teachers make use of various kinds of evidence or data in their teaching practice.
Although the authors identify with some of the critics of the evidence-based teaching
movement, they argue that, by acknowledging the unique character of the teaching
profession, the discourse on evidence can be fruitfully integrated within the daily
life of schools. In this article, they suggest two broad questions which can help
guide future research into teachers’ use of evidence and data in their professional

Genre: Artikel | Omfang: 14 sider | Årstal: 2014

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Who Knows?

Gert Biesta

According to Gert Biesta, the main problem with the idea of turning education into an
evidence-based or evidence-informed profession is that it relies on a quasi-causal conception of education, one in which the acts of educators are seen as causes that in some way bring about or produce effects on the side of the students.

Genre: Artikel | Omfang: 7 sider | Årstal: 2014

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Approaches to The Notion of Evidence and Evidence-based Education in Denmark: Contributions and Discussions

Ane Qvortup, Karen Bjerg Petersen & David Reimer

In this article, the authors point to the different notions evidence in the evidence-based education. They introduce the following tracks in the understanding of the notion of evidence: The experimental track, the critical track, and finally the pragmatic track.

Genre: Artikel | Omfang: 10 sider | Årstal: 2014

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