The paper describes the progression of a learning experiment with high school students producing moblogs (mobile weblogs) outside of the school environment and focuses especially on the reflective aspects of the moblogs as an expression of the reflective practicum (Schön 1987, DESECO 2003). Through an analysis of my data I will centre my discussion around the value of this informal approach for learning purposes and discuss what kind of reflective competencies come into play here (Nesta Futurelab 2004a, 2004b). The theoretical framework for this article also draws on social learning theory (Lave & Wenger 1991, 2003).

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Titel: Informal learning with mobile devices - moblogging as learning resource?
Forfatter: Mette Berth
Institution: DREAM, Syddansk Universitet/Department of Communication, Journalism and Computer Science, Roskilde University
Genre: Paper til fremlæggelse
Omfang: 18
Årstal: 2006