Internationally, there is a growing awareness on the necessity of providing relevant computing education in schools, particularly high schools. We present a new and generic approach to Computing in Danish High Schools based on a conceptual framework derived from ideas related to computational thinking. We present two main theses on which the subject is based, and we present the included knowledge areas and didactical design principles. Finally we summarize the status and future plans for the subject and related development projects.

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Titel: Computational Thinking and Practice — A Generic Approach to Computing in Danish High Schools
Forfatter: Michael E. Caspersen & Palle Nowack
Institution: Center for Scienceuddannelse, Aarhus Universitet
Udgivelse: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference, s.137-143
Genre: Forskningsartikel
Omfang: 7
Årstal: 2013